The core in differential games on networks with communication restrictions


  • Anna V. Tur St. Petersburg State University, 199034, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation



In this paper we consider a class of differential games on networks. It is assumed that the players are identified with the nodes of the network and their interaction takes place along the paths of this network. A characteristic function of a special kind is used, which takes into account the network structure of the game. The C-core is studied as a cooperative optimality principle. An illustrative example is considered.


differential game, network game, cooperative game, core, the Shapley value


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Petrosyan L., Yeung D. Shapley value for differential network games: Theory and application. Journal of Dynamics and Games, 2021, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 151–166.

Tur A. V., Petrosyan L. A. Cooperative optimality principals in differential games on networks. Automation Remote Control, 2021, vol. 82, no. 6, pp. 1095–1106.

Petrosyan L., Yeung D. Construction of dynamically stable solutions in differential network games. Stability, Control and Differential Games. Eds A. Tarasyev, V. Maksimov, T. Filippova. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences — Proceedings. Cham, Springer Publ., 2020, pp. 51–61.

Tur A., Petrosyan L. The core of cooperative differential games on networks. Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research. MOTOR 2022. Eds P. Pardalos, M. Khachay, V. Mazalov. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Cham, Springer Publ., 2022, vol. 13367, pp. 295–314.

Petrosyan L. A., Yeung D., Pankratova Y. B. Cooperative differential games with partner sets on networks. Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN [ Transactions of Institute Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ural Department Russian Academy of Sciences], 2021, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 286–295.

Tur A., Petrosyan L. Communication restriction-based characteristic function in differential games on networks. Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research. MOTOR 2023. Eds M. Khachay, Y. Kochetov, A. Eremeev, O. Khamisov, V. Mazalov, P. Pardalos. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023, vol. 13930, pp. 314–324.

Von Neumann J., Morgenstern O. Theory of games and economic behavior. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1944, 625 p.

Petrosjan L., Zaccour G. Time-consistent Shapley value allocation of pollution cost reduction. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2003, vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 381–398.

Parilina E., Petrosyan L. On a simplified method of defining characteristic function in stochastic games. Mathematics, 2020, vol. 8, art. no. 1135.

Gromova E., Petrosyan L. On an approach to constructing a characteristic function in cooperative differential games. Automation and Remote Control, 2017, vol. 78, pp. 98–118.

Shapley L. S. Cores of convex games. International Journal of Game Theory, 1971, vol. 1, pp. 11–26.

Shapley L. S. A value for n-person games. Contributions to the Theory of Games II. Eds H. Kuhn, A. Tucker. Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1953, pp. 307–317.



How to Cite

Tur, A. V. (2023). The core in differential games on networks with communication restrictions. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Applied Mathematics. Computer Science. Control Processes, 19(4), 497–508.



Applied Mathematics